Some landlords may wonder, can a landlord have a spare key in Ontario? The short answer is yes, they can. Having a spare key is perfectly legal, and it’s actually a common practice among landlords. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into this question and share some helpful information for both landlords and tenants.
Real-Life Scenario: Landlord Lost Spare Key
One of our customers recently shared his experience with us. As a landlord, he lost his spare key while trying to sell his apartment. When it came time to provide a key for the realtor to show the unit, he asked his tenants if he could borrow theirs to make a copy. However, the tenants refused.
Fortunately, he managed to find a solution and successfully sold the apartment. Through his experience, we learned the following lesson: as a landlord, you are entitled to have a key to the unit for inspections, showings, maintenance, and emergency access. If a tenant refuses to cooperate and lend their key for copying, you are within your rights to have the lock re-keyed and provide the tenant with a new key.
It’s important to remember that, by law, landlords must give tenants 24 hours’ written notice of entry for non-emergency reasons such as maintenance or showings. The notice should include the date, time, and reason for entry. If the notice is not properly given, tenants have the right to deny entry to the unit.
Key Copying Services for Landlords
If you’re a landlord who needs extra keys copied, at FobToronto and MiniFob we offer fast and reliable key copying services. We copy everything from regular metal keys to high-security keys. Most copies are done within minutes. For those with Medeco keys, we offer this service at our headquarters location (FobToronto), but please note that Medeco keys can take up to one business day for duplication. To ensure we can copy your specific Medeco key, we recommend texting us at (416) 931-0225 with a photo of your key before visiting since there is a possibility that your specific key may not be available for duplication at the time of your visit.
Legal Advice and Further Steps
While we provide this information to inform you, it’s important to remember that we cannot offer legal advice. If you’re a landlord in a tricky situation where you are unable to access a spare key to your unit, your best course of action is to consult a lawyer or contact the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) for guidance. They can offer legal advice and help resolve issues with tenants who may be refusing to cooperate.
Can a Landlord Have a Spare Key in Ontario?
So, can a landlord have a spare key in Ontario? Yes, they can. As a landlord, you are entitled to have access to the unit for inspections, showings, and emergencies. If your tenant refuses to cooperate when you need a copy of the key, you can legally re-key the lock. However, it’s essential to always follow the proper procedures, such as providing 24 hours’ written notice before entry.
For landlords in need of reliable key copying services, FobToronto and MiniFob have you covered. We offer quick and efficient copying, ensuring you always have the access you need.

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